Nick Cassenbaum’s two-hander comedy escapade shows that two actors is all you need for the perfect outlandish crime. Set in Jewish Essex prior to the general election of 2019, twins Dan and Lauren become unwittingly involved in an elaborate heist to kidnap Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
Actors Dylan Corbett-Bader and Gemma Barnett play the twins to perfection, as well as all other roles, switching seamlessly between different facial expressions, accents and mannerisms to represent various members of the comedy caper.
The intelligently written script uses a satirical and farcical plot to explore antisemitism in the UK in the 21st century in an unobtrusive way. Drawing on difficult historical themes, this production plays an important role in illustrating the continuous anxieties faced by Jewish people, cushioned amongst a witty, ragtag plot to remove a possible antisemite from political power.
REVENGE: After the Levoyah blends formidable acting skill and physical comedy to take the audience on a whirlwind gambol of distant relatives and flying condiments, all while keeping the underlying message palpable.
This show is an important reminder of the consistent threat felt by the Jewish community and actively stimulates debate in the modern day, all while representing the ridiculous. A hidden gem of astute comedy.