Bundy Bannerman - A Journey of Life

Next showing 10:00, Wed 19 Feb 2025 at Hahndorf Academy, Adelaide

John “Bundy” Bannerman moved to the outback at the age of 7. He started working in his family’s outback trucking business at an early age and has hauled everything from livestock, mining equipment to hay and wool. After his last back injury in 2019 and the frustration of being in the “big smoke” during recovery, he decided to turn his hand to art – something he never expected to find joy and strength in. Bundy is now a full-time artist, primarily working with acrylics, and spends his time painting his love of trucks, cars, the outback and anything else that excites his imagination. Recently he has been exploring metal and wood as painting surfaces. Without art he knows he wouldn’t be here.

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Hahndorf Academy
19-28 Feb; 1-23 Mar
Tickets: $0.00