Five Indigenous shows at Adelaide 2018

A clutch of shows in this year's Adelaide programme celebrate Indigenous stories and performance – here are our top picks

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Published 01 Feb 2018

Tindo Utpurndee

The official launch of the Adelaide Fringe begins with Tindo Utpurndee, the sunset ceremony on the South Australian Museum lawns on North Terrace. Led by Senior Custodian of Ceremony Karl ‘Winda’ Telfer and Yellaka, Tindo Utpurndee speaks of spirit and the sharing of light.
South Australian Museum lawns, 8pm, 16 Feb, free


Bangarra Dance Theatre return to Adelaide after four years to tell the story of Woollarawarre Bennelong – a senior Wongal man of the Eora nation who served as an interlocutor between the Eora and the British. The show reinterprets his compelling history through dance and sound, paying tribute to a major force in Australia's past.
Adelaide Festival Centre [Adelaide Festival], times vary, 15-18 Mar, $45-89

Identity Steft

Proud Indigenous woman Stephanie Tisdell is ‘heartbreakingly honest and unfailingly funny’ as she provides an insider's guide to what it’s like being an outsider. Identity Steft discusses heritage, what it means to be sorry, and the merits of white guilt vs overt racism.
Gluttony, 8.20pm, 16-25 Feb, not 19, $15-20

Joshua Warrior – Aboriginal Gigolo

The ‘Nunga from Down Under’ is back following a sold-out 2017 Adelaide Fringe season with his show Aboriginal Gigolo. His quick wit, boisterous personality and ‘magical Aboriginal fusion’ is a delight to watch. Also performing at Morello Community Centre on 2 Mar and The British Hotel Port Adelaide on 16 Mar.
Live from Tandanya, 9.15pm, 21-25 Feb, $15-20

Dupang Festival

For an unforgettable cultural experience, join the Tal-Kin-Jeri Dance Group on a three day camp on the Coorong, approximately three hours' drive south of Adelaide. This immersive trip includes workshops, tours, and ceremony dance featuring six dance groups – all in a stunning coastal setting. Saturday day and three day tickets available.
The Coorong, 23-25 Feb, $100-150