Kid Critic Review: Ellie and the Enormous Sneeze by Mouths of Lions

Ruby Foster (age 9) loved the big-nosed "unsneezable" Stanley but wanted more jokes

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
33332 large
100487 original
Published 12 Aug 2018

What happens in the show?
It’s about a little girl called Ellie who loves to sneeze. On her travels she meets a big-nosed man who finds sneezing impossible, so they set off on a mission to cure him of his unsneezableness.

Describe the show in five words
Snot-tastic, fun, silly, entertaining, creative.

Who was your favourite character, and why?
My favourite character was Stanley, the big-nosed man. He was funny and you cared about whether he would be able to sneeze again.

What didn’t you like about the show?
I didn’t like that the main character, who was a 9 year old, acted a bit too young and maybe a little too silly at times.

If there was something the performers could have done better next time, what would it be?
I would like there to be more jokes. 

What was your favourite moment in the show?
The big musical sneeze!

What did your grown-up think of the show?
Ironically they had just taken some particularly strong cold medicine just beforehand in so their memory is a little hazy! What they do remember though is a kind-hearted show with a certain charm and an intriguing Jim Henson-esque character in Stanley.

Would you tell your friends to come and see the show?
I would tell my younger friends but probably not ones my age.