Fest Best: From The Radio

You've probably heard them on the radio. Well, now they're at the Fringe.

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 19 Jul 2011
33329 large
115270 original

Ed Reardon: A Writer's Burden


To fans of the hugely successful Radio 4 show, Ed Reardon is absolutely the nation's favourite "author, pipesmoker, consummate fare-dodger and master of the abusive email". Indeed, so fond is Paul Merton of Ed Reardon's Week that he recently insisted on having a part written for him. Christopher Douglas and Andrew Nickolds stretch the legs of their misanthropic creation for this full-length outing at the Fringe.


Lockerbie: Unfinished Business

ST JOHN'S CHURCH, 8 AUG, 4PM, £10-£12

Perhaps most often to be heard voicing a million-and-one parts in the radio series The Scarifyers, Dave Benson's one-man-show Lockerbie: Unfinished Business finds him on an entirely different wavelength. Benson's play gets right to the heart of why the incident, and its aftermath, holds such a grip on the national psyche. A huge hit in 2010, there's only one chance to see the Fringe First winner this year.



NEW TOWN THEATRE, 4-28 AUG (NOT 16), 3.30PM, £5-£13

Perhaps the only show at the Fringe with a CBE-toting producer, the famous programme-maker and Classic FM founder Ralph Bernard launches his new theatre company with the premiere of DUST. It's a project which began in the '80s with Bernard's documentary series on mining communities, Down to Earth. 30 years on, DUST imagines Arthur Scargill on the morning of Margaret Thatcher's death. [Evan Beswick]