Demi Lardner – I Love Skeleton

comedy review (adelaide) | Read in About 1 minute
33328 large
39658 original
Published 15 Mar 2018
33332 large
102793 original

Demi Lardner introduces herself wearing a box on her head while accompanied by the Bunnings Warehouse theme music. This kind of sheer ridiculousness juxtaposes well with dark comedy, such as when she describes the size of a small coffin and its uses for pets and relatives.

Her new show is sketch-like in nature, with prop and music dependent skits barrelling one after the other. A highlight comes exploring "Dad's Google History" – a routine which also has its own theme song. With no real narrative to hold the various trains of thought together, Lardner's style could seem erratic. But she's a master of character work, in this show effortlessly switching between human and animal. It is the physicality of her performance that commands the attention of the audience. 

The show needs a few more sequences as it runs short of the advertised hour, and the overly-apologetic second half dampens the mood for an on-board audience. Yet this still doesn't detract overall from I Love Skeleton's display of hilarious absurdist comedy.