Wet Sounds

music review (adelaide) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 03 Mar 2018

A few minutes into Wet Sounds, a voice from the speakers urges us to relax and take a breath. Which is not an easy task sitting next to a garden table on the bottom of the Aquatic Centre’s dive pool.

A seated scuba diver is holding a watering can over some potted plants, while five metres above swimmers bob in the water. The centre itself is bathed in a flood of vivid blue lights.

Heading upwards, the voice slowly grows fainter until, bursting through the surface of the water, you're hit with a wave of industrial noise. Experimenting with one ear in and one out of the water, playing in the liminal space, there are times when soundscapes below the surface blend perfectly with wailing sirens above.

Inscrutable scuba divers below act out a range of scenes, which means one of the hardest parts of Wet Sounds is knowing what to focus on. Throughout the show there are distracted swimmers bumping into each other, but it doesn’t lessen the charm.

Wet Sounds is unlike any other show around. Although the underlying meaning is not clear, the wonder and joy make this show a memorable Fringe experience.

It isn't necessary to be a strong swimmer, but goggles are a must and a snorkel is highly recommended.