Fest Kids Elmo Q&A

Elmo: the forever three and a half year old monster that talks in the third person and has an infectious giggle. Fest Kids were lucky enough to have a Q & A with the red furry one and chat about tickling, dancing and haggis.

feature (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
Published 07 Aug 2012

Hello Elmo. Which friends are you bringing with you? Oscar is my favourite. - Sophie, aged nearly 3

Hey everyone, Elmo is so excited about coming to Scotland, I’ll be bringing most of the gang including Oscar!

What do we need to bring to the show? - Phoebe, aged 4

Elmo wants you to bring your loudest voices and biggest smiles.

Can we dance in the aisles or do we have to behave and sit in our seats? - Alexander, aged 5 

Aha, Elmo thinks you should dance in your seats!

Have you ever worn a kilt? What about haggis, do you know what that is? - Archie, aged 3

Elmo hasn’t worn a kilt and I’ve not tried haggis but it does sound like a food that monsters would like!

Are you really allergic to being tickled? What happens if you get tickled too much? - Millie, aged 4

I laugh a lot; Abby Cadabby is always tickling me.

Who’s your best friend? I think it’s Zoe but my big sister thinks it might be Bert. - Louise, aged 3 and a half

We’re all friends on Sesame Street, Zoe, Abby, Bert, Ernie…even Oscar!

Won’t you miss Sesame Street when you’re here? - Catriona, aged 4

I’m bringing it with me so I won’t miss it! Plus Elmo can’t wait to perform for all the children at the Edinburgh Festival. See you there!