Mr Snot Bottom’s Stinky Silly Show

kids review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
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Published 12 Aug 2012

As the show’s title subtly hints at, this is a show that will appeal to kids that like the words poo, bum, wee and fart. This is not the show for more precious children who don't find bogies funny. With a thick Australian accent and a Jim Carrey-esque outfit, spending an hour with Mr Snot Bottom is a bit like being in the playground with a six year-old boy. But that’s fine. I suspect he’d see this as a compliment.

From the start the audience is up close and personal. Bottom leaps around asking questions about the size of their mums’ bums, poo-ing in Tesco and snotty bum handkerchiefs. We’re invited back to his house and briefly meet his two friends; the singing Flem and human handkerchief, Derek.

This is a show with no story, more just a bunch of gags and silliness. Some more memorable moments are when Flem and Bottom interact—this worked really well and gave Bottom someone to bounce off—and maybe more of this would have given the show a bit more substance.

All in all it's a pretty straight up kids standup comedy show; there are no jokes that go over the kids’ heads – and none to keep adults entertained. It’s strictly on the kids’ wavelength. And that’s fine too. Maybe multiple layers in kids’ show aren’t always needed. This is immature throughout, always gross and made the kids laugh their heads off.