Nick Cope: Family Songs and Music

kids review (edinburgh) | Read in About 2 minutes
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Published 18 Aug 2012

Spending one hour in the company of Nick Cope and his original songs is an hour well spent. Rather than the dumbed down or sugary sweet songs that seem to be standard fare for kids, these have an altogether more laid back and innocent edge to them.

Cope reminds me of a cross between a friendly looking busker whom you want to watch all day, and Phoebe Buffay from Friends. Standing on a simple black stage and stomping his large boots on his guitar case, his ditties are impossible not to love. From ‘The Dog That Ate A Bar Of Soap’ to ‘Thank You Very Much’, the songs are funny without being over the top. Even the shyest of kids will warm to his unpretentious style.

His slight, albeit short, digression into finger puppetry in my opinion was unnecessary and he was at his best when he let his songs do the talking. I wonder too at the three years plus recommended age group and think toddlers would get a lot from his show.

That aside, Cope is one of the few children’s musicians who I think most parents would be happy listening to on a long car journey. In a world where the choice is usually Disney, show tunes or nursery rhymes; it’s a welcome change.